NFADB Celebrates DeafBlind Awareness Week, June 23-June 30th, 2024. The purpose of DeafBlind awareness week is to raise public awareness about individuals who have combined hearing and vision loss. This year's theme focuses on diverse journeys and shared aspirations. To celebrate, NFADB will be sharing stories of the diverse individuals that make up our community.
Alex is working with his Helen Keller National Center Representative to find Customized Employment. They have worked on Person Centered Planning and a virtual résumé to help find skills that make Alex feel successful. Customized employment will be a group that supports Alex and helps him feel success in the workplace.
Photo description: a man with a long beard and a hat this jeans and a black t-shirt with glasses standing next to a young man with short hair and glasses wearing red shorts and a black shirt. Both are smiling.
NFADB Celebrates DeafBlind Awareness Week, June 23-June 30th, 2024. The purpose of DeafBlind awareness week is to raise public awareness about individuals who have combined hearing and vision loss. This year's theme focuses on diverse journeys and shared aspirations.
Jaxson's communication journey has been a unique one. We decided to follow the route of total communication as we were unsure what mode of communication would be the most beneficial for him. He was able to use ASL and verbal communication through his cochlear impants for receptive communication but he continued to have significant delays in expressive communication until he was introcuded to the Tobii Dynavox AAC device and TD snap application. Since having the Tobii Dynavox, his expressive communication improved and with that we were able to hear Jaxson's thoughts, feelings and all the things he has learned and wants to learn. He uses his Tobii Dynavox to communicate his needs, answer school related questions and have better visual access to his favorite games and tv shows. Jaxson will be going to his new school in the fall, ready to communicate with his new team and friends!
Video Description: boy with brown hair has two screens with words in front of him. He is navigating the device by pressing different buttons to access the words he wants to communicate.
Below is a 37 second video with pictures of various advocates that went to Washington DC.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
- Steve Jobs.
#NFADB seeks your support this #GivingTuesday to fund our #advocacy efforts to #empower #success for #families of the #DeafBlind #community. You can send your support to
We are a 100% volunteer run #family national non-profit organization advocating for the unique needs of families of DeafBlind individuals of all ages and all etiologies. Every dollar that we raise goes right back into our advocacy efforts! Please visit our website to check how your donation works to support the voices of the DeafBlind community.
You can also check out all the upcoming advocacy events by clicking on this link:
Here’s how you can support us for #GivingTuesday:
• Make a donation. Every dollar counts.
• Start your own personal donation to benefit NFADB and tag us on your social media platforms with the hashtag #NFADBcares
• Share ✨Tell a friend about NFADB. ✨
• Repost our posts
• Add our Giving Tuesday Campaign to your profile.
• Volunteer with us
Video description: Video of a female sharing how NFADB has helped her. a frame that asks for donation to NFADB. Video ends with a frame of a hand making a cupped heart shape with hands. Inside that is written Thank you.
It’s not too late to send your donation to NFADB. We seek your support this #GivingTuesday to fund our #advocacy efforts to #empower #success for #families of the #DeafBlind #community. You can send your support to
We are a 100% volunteer run #family national non-profit organization advocating for the unique needs of families of DeafBlind individuals of all ages and all etiologies. Every dollar that we raise goes right back into our advocacy efforts! Please visit our website to check how your donation works to support the voices of the DeafBlind community.
You can also check out all the upcoming advocacy events by clicking on this link:
Here’s how you can support us for #GivingTuesday:
• Make a donation. Every dollar counts.
• Start your own personal donation to benefit NFADB and tag us on your social media platforms with the hashtag #NFADBcares
• Share ✨Tell a friend about NFADB. ✨
• Repost our posts
• Add our Giving Tuesday Campaign to your profile.
• Volunteer with us
Video description: movie reel opens to a frame that asks for donation to NFADB. Video of a female sharing how NFADB has helped her. Video ends with a frame of a hand making a cupped heart shape with hands. Inside that is written -Thank you.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
- Steve Jobs.
#NFADB seeks your support this #GivingTuesday to fund our #advocacy efforts to #empower #success for #families of the #DeafBlind #community. You can send your support to
We are a 100% volunteer run #family national non-profit organization advocating for the unique needs of families of DeafBlind individuals of all ages and all etiologies. Every dollar that we raise goes right back into our advocacy efforts! Please visit our website to check how your donation works to support the voices of the DeafBlind community.
You can also check out all the upcoming advocacy events by clicking on this link:
Here’s how you can support us for #GivingTuesday:
• Make a donation. Every dollar counts.
• Start your own personal donation to benefit NFADB and tag us on your social media platforms with the hashtag #NFADBcares
• Share ✨Tell a friend about NFADB. ✨
• Repost our posts
• Add our Giving Tuesday Campaign to your profile.
• Volunteer with us
Video description: movie reel opens to a frame that asks for donation to NFADB. Video of a female sharing how NFADB has helped her. Video ends with a frame of a hand making a cupped heart shape with hands. Inside that is written -Thank you.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” - Steve Jobs.
NFADB seeks your support this Giving Tuesday to fund our advocacy efforts to empower success for families of the DeafBlind community. You can send your support to
We are a 100% volunteer run family national non-profit organization advocating for the unique needs of families of DeafBlind individuals of all ages and all etiologies. Every dollar that we raise goes right back into our advocacy efforts! Please visit our website to check how your donation works to support the voices of the DeafBlind community.
You can also check out all the upcoming advocacy events by clicking on this link:
Here’s how you can support us for Giving Tuesday:
• Make a donation. Every dollar counts.
• Start your own personal donation to benefit NFADB and tag us on your social media platforms with the hashtag #NFADBcares
• Share ✨Tell a friend about NFADB. ✨
• Repost our posts
• Add our Giving Tuesday Campaign to your profile.
• Volunteer with us
Video description: movie reel opens to a frame that asks for donation to NFADB. Video of a Caucasian male sharing how NFADB and he are working for the same shared goal of establishing the best practices in schooling system. Video ends with a frame of a hand making a cupped heart shape with hands. Inside that is written Thank you.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
- Steve Jobs.
NFADB seeks your support this Giving Tuesday to fund our advocacy efforts to empower success for families of the DeafBlind community. You can send your support to
We are a 100% volunteer run family national non-profit organization advocating for the unique needs of families of DeafBlind individuals of all ages and all etiologies. Every dollar that we raise goes right back into our advocacy efforts! Please visit our website to check how your donation works to support the voices of the DeafBlind community.
You can also check out all the upcoming advocacy events by clicking on this link:
Here’s how you can support us for Giving Tuesday:
• Make a donation. Every dollar counts.
• Start your own personal donation to benefit NFADB and tag us on your social media platforms with the hashtag #NFADBcares
• Share ✨Tell a friend about NFADB. ✨
• Repost our posts
• Add our Giving Tuesday Campaign to your profile.
• Volunteer with us
Video description: movie reel opens to a frame that asks for donation to NFADB. Video of a white Caucasian female sharing how NFADB has helped her. Video ends with a frame of a hand making a cupped heart shape with hands. Inside that is written Thank you.
NFADB Shares! Repost @canseecantsee_ Happy White Cane
Safety Day! It’s the day we celebrate our canes and acknowledge our incredible journeys towards independence. My cane, Rick the Stick, turned my life from a life of independence.
So, here’s to embracing our cane and strutting our stuff with confidence. Leave a comment if you’ve named
your cane
#WhiteCaneSafetyDay #SightLoss
NFADB invites you to be a part of our 4th Annual DeafBlind Experience Fundraiser scheduled to be held virtually on October 19th, 2023 at 7:30 pm EST. This impactful event will feature the screening of the documentary ‘Unseen,’ focusing on the theme of Caregiver Fatigue.
Many parents and family caregivers for children or adults who are disabled or medically complex are exhausted and isolated. This documentary is an examination of the emotional and physical impact of caretaking someone with intense needs.
The event’s hashtag, #NFADBCares, reflects our commitment to raising awareness on the challenges faced by families and caregivers of the DeafBlind community, and how NFADB’s mission is to support these family members and caregivers.
Please register for the event by clicking on the link:
The registration will give you access to view the film at your own time during a set window, as well as being invited to the live virtual event on October 19th.
Please share this announcement with other family members and professionals who work with anyone in the disability community - the documentary is broad in its coverage and is not specific to DB families only, but rather the film encompasses the challenges faced by anyone entrusted with the responsibility of caring for others.
Video description: screen opens with the NFADB logo sharing the screening announcement. Embedded YouTube video of the documentary- Unseen : How we’re failing parent caregivers and why it matters.
NFADB Family Friday- we are sharing a video from the archives of Perkins School for the Blind, where they talk about the DeafBlind program. DeafBlind is spectrum, and children have different learning needs and communication needs. All DeafBlind children have the ability to learn, and a right to an education.
Video description: classroom scene with multiple children and adults involved. Voice of an adult woman who says : the DeafBlind program at Perkins is very very special for many reasons. The students are amazing. They love to come to school. The teachers are very creative in developing curriculum that matches who the child is, and so every day when the teachers arrive at school, they are amazingly compassionate, and many many hours are spent just being with that child; developing a sense of trust. One of the unique areas of our program is the consistency of teaching Total communication to every student, and it may include sign language, speech and visual media. We understand inclusion as making friends, having the ability to communicate, and ultimately for them to be able to be included as they grow up to be young adults. The DeafBlind program values the idea that all children have a right to an education and we know that they all have the ability to learn.
Not sure how to use auto caption to caption your Instagram stories?
Check out this video to learn how!
Video Description: NFADB board members explains how to use the auto caption feature on Instagram.
Transcript: record your Instagram stories like you typically would, speak clearly to ensure that the auto captioning transcribes you audio as accurately as it can so you don’t have to make as many edits later. Once you’re done you’ll see the icons appear at the top of your screen. The third icon over, you’re going to click on that one. Then you’re going to see a bunch of other options show up. You’re going to click captions in the second row and Instagram starts to transcribe your audio. When I saw the transcribed audio i noticed that they had some errors. So I’m going to go in and edit the errors. I corrected the spelling of my name. I scroll down to ensure all words are separated and that they look great. Then what you can do is you can actually adjust where the caption is on your screen. You’re going to see where i slide it (captioned content) down lower on the screen so it’s not covering my face and then i added a background to the letters to ensure that there’s some contrast so that individuals who have low vision are able to read the captions better and that’s it! Then go ahead and post your stories! Hope this helps!
Best wishes from the NFADB Board of Directors. We hope the New Year brings you and your family good health, much happiness, and plenty of prosperity. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to do what we love as it’s been a pleasure serving you over the last year, and we’re looking forward to working together in the year ahead.
Happy New Year! SALUTE 2022!
-NFADB Board of Directors
Video Description: background is dark with a cascade of golden fireworks exploding. in the center foreground is gold script lettering that reads Happy New Year. Bottom right corner is the NFADB logo of a hand in white ink making I Love You in ASL, inside a burgundy colored square. Four white dots on top of each finger make them look like a stick figure family of two adults and two children, Left side is top down written NFADB in white.
Merry Christmas! Wishing your holiday season be filled with sparkles of joy and love. - NFADB Board of Directors.
Video description: background image of a wood with pine flocked garland on the top and bottom as frame. There are 4 golden stars on the top garland, and 2 stars on the bottom. There’s globe ornaments on the bottom left side of the frame. There is an animated ornament on the top right corner. Text reads : Merry Christmas! Wishing your holiday season be filled with sparkles of joy and love. There’s NFADB hand logo in the shape of ASL I love you on the bottom right of the frame.
I support NFADB because…
Tim O'Donnell is co-guardian for his sister Sara O'Donnell who was born deaf-blind during the Rubella epidemic of the 1960s. Tim’s mother Mary O’Donnell was one of the founding members of NFADB. Together, they have been a proud supporter of NFADB since 1994.
Tim says, "No family living with deaf-blindness should feel isolated or alone. I support NFADB with regular donations as well as matching gifts from my employer."
Family advocacy and empowerment are at the core of NFADB. Originally started by and for families, NFADB is a volunteer run organization that has expanded to include any interested individuals, professionals, organizations, and agencies that wish to volunteer their services and expertise to empower the voices of families with individuals who are deaf-blind. The term “deaf-blind” means any combination of hearing and vision loss, occurring at any age, for any number of reasons. Communication, mobility, and learning may be affected for these individuals. Children and adults who are deaf-blind may experience additional physical and cognitive challenges.
A holistic, collaborative, and focused approach to life and learning are critical for lifelong success. Since the last 26 years, NFADB has existed with a firm believe that individuals who are deaf-blind are valued members of their communities and should have the same opportunities and choices as others in the community.
In honor of all the families and their unique journey, NFADB is celebrating the Giving Tuesday. Donate and help the deaf-blind community know that We are together! Your support helps us to empower the voices of families with individuals who are deaf-blind and advocate for their unique needs.
Video description: movie screen in burgundy background. Tim O’Donnell video playing on the left side of the screen. Tim says: “Hi, I am Tim O’Donnell call guardian for my sister Sara, Who was born with
Welcome to NFADB!
#nfadb #thegoodpart #familiessupportingfamilies #empoweringfamilies #deafblindcommunity
NFADB celebrates the 141st birth anniversary of Helen Keller by recognizing and saluting the efforts of our affiliates and partners who work very hard to advocate for the unique needs of families of individuals who are Deaf-Blind. We are sharing with you a video created by our Affiliate Committee that showcases NFADB affiliates and partners. NFADB is committed to creating a strong national network of families. Our Affiliate Network is a partnership with family organizations and NFADB to collaborate on activities that improve opportunities and services for individuals who are deaf-blind.
The purposes of the NFADB Affiliate Network are to:
* Serve as a platform for information sharing and partnership
* Improve advocacy at national, state, and local levels
* Influence national trends and legislation
* Provide a platform for leadership development
* Promote NFADB membership
For more information checkout our affiliate page on our website by clicking on
To become an affiliate, please contact our affiliate coordinator or send an email to [email protected]
The National Family Association for Deaf-Blind exists to empower the voices of families with individuals who are deaf-blind and advocate for their unique needs. Today, we are celebrating the 141st birthday of Helen Keller. Author, lecturer, and political activist Helen Keller, firmly believed that "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." She overcame a lot of challenges and lived a life filled with remarkable achievements that will continue to inspire generations to come. We share with you a video that summarizes who NFADB is and what is our mission. You can show your support to NFADB, by donating here on our FB page or through our website. Please mention the Helen Keller birth anniversary celebration in the comment.
NFADB Family Fridays: Fridays are Family Fridays at NFADB. We will be shining spotlights on the stories of families, and professionals who work with families of individuals who are deaf-blind.
Today, we are sharing a video from one of our newest Board Member, John Butterflies. He lives in Missouri and is also Special Rapporteur at Greater Kansas City DeafBlind Collaborative. John shares, “I've been involved in and supported the lives of many DeafBlind persons for more than 20 years. NFADB is the platform that empowers everyone in families with DeafBlind persons to build lives that are independent, meaningful and fulfilled.
My life and those I touch in the DeafBlind community are bettered because of the advocacy and education provided by NFADB.”
We are sharing a video interview of John Butterflies and Brandie S Young that was conducted when their group brought the movie Feeling Through for special screening in Kansas. We all know how special this movie is for the DeafBlind community. Director Doug Roland casted the first DeafBlind actor in a leading role, and this movie is a strong contender for the best live action short movie at the Oscars this year.
Watch this beautiful video that shows how truly connected is our DeafBlind world.
To learn more about NFADB, please visit our website at
To share your journey with us and why you support NFADB, please send an email to [email protected]
#nfadb #deafblind #deafblindcommunity #FamilyFridays
NFADB Family Fridays: Sarah Steele
Edited & Reposted: Fridays will be Family Fridays at NFADB. We will be shining spotlights on the stories of families and professionals working with families of individuals who are deaf-blind.
Today we are sharing a video from Sarah Steele, where she shares her story as a professional working with the deaf-blind students.
Sarah is one of the newest board members at NFADB. As a professional and a member of NFADB, she is looking forward to work towards more inclusive opportunities for the many members of the DeafBlind community and their families. She is passionate about family engagement in the field of DeafBlind education and listening to the stories of individuals who are DeafBlind. She is from Syracuse, NY and has received her B.S. from Syracuse University in Education and psychology. She currently lives in Austin, TX where she works as a classroom teacher for students who are DeafBlind at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. She is in her final year of obtaining her M.Ed. in Special Education, her certification for Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments as well as her graduate certificate as a Teacher of Students who are DeafBlind at Texas Tech University.
Full transcript of the video is in the comment.
Video description: Sarah Steele is a Caucasian woman with long auburn hair. She has recorded herself by introducing herself, giving information on her professional career, and answering questions on how she got into the career, what motivates her and what is the biggest challenge of the role. Sarah is a strong believer in family professional collaboration, and she is focused on students’ success by factoring in functional, academic and social skills based on family inputs. She got into the career motivated by an adolescent young man that she was working with and who passed away. She wants to learn ASL and how different sign languages differ from each other. Her aha moment has been to realize that the role of a teacher and students is