Time to get real.
Our kids don't have all the skills because the adults in their lives don't have them either.
This is not to shame, blame, guilt, or fault anyone...parents, teachers, coaches, grandparents, pastors, babysitters, any human walking down the street.
We humans do the best we can with what we have. And until we know differently and commit to being different, the patterns continue, the pendulum swings back and forth, the amplitude increasing.
This can manifest in disaster (from world wars to workplace malaise, household overwhelm, slamming doors, underlying frustrations and even resignation about "the way things are") OR we can do something to stop the madness and choose something different.
But, first we must pause to look at what is going on and why it's going on...and that always starts with me. It starts with you. It starts with us looking at the results in our lives...relationships, job, finances, school, health, the experience of our journey.
I'm not gonna lie, this can be a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes is feels like a 2x4 across the face, a huge gut punch, leaving you breathless...wanting to vomit.
That's how I felt when I finally saw how I was not only contributing to, but essentially responsible for the "micro-wars" in my house. 🤮
Academics are important and we can have an entire discussion about what is and isn't working in our world of academics, from elementary school through college and grad school.
But, there is a HUGE chunk of learning that is NOT taking place in our schools, and is not taking place in a majority of homes...YET!
And this learning is the keystone to creating the world we want to live in and the world we want to leave to our children and grandchildren.
I know with all of my being it is possible, and the journey to peace, love, joy and abundance is a choice absolutely worth making.
The sooner we know about that choice and actively choose to live it daily, the better our lives, the stronger our families, more loving our homes, the richer our communities...until we get all the way to world peace.
You might be skeptical...I have a flavor of cynicism that creeps in every once in a while...but I also see the cost of that limiting belief, and I have the power to shift it immediately to create possibility. I claimed my power, you can too.
You might be defensive...I was. I thought I was right and I didn't like to be challenged. But then I got connected to the prices other people paid when I needed to be right...ultimately they felt wrong...which creates a lose, lose experience and result whether I was in the right or not. So I learned enrollment, you can too.
You might not know how...that's okay. Nobody knew how to build the first car, airplane, rocket, computer before they did it. You just commit and go. I am committed and going and I invite you with open arms to join me.
Leadership starts with you. It begins with your vision and your choice to commit to it as if your life and the lives of others depend on it...because it does.
The Parent Leadership Experience is open to ALL parents.
The Teen Leadership Experience is open to 13-17 year olds, 12 if they are extra mature and a demand to attend, 18 if they are a senior in high school.
It's time for parents, teens, everyone to get what transformational leadership is. To live win-win. To create epic relationships and results. To build the world we want to live in, a world that works for all now and generations to come.
I'm here, your partner, when you choose IN. And I'm here even if you don't. I would LOVE to have you IN.