Move Play Grow

Move Play Grow Move Play Grow is a heart-centered community that embodies "It Takes a Village." We provide love, gu

Wendi McKenna is a pediatric physical therapist who is passionate about helping parents understand, marvel at, and support their babies' and children's motor and sensory development. She guides parents and their little ones in hands-on workshops for individuals and small groups where she tailors personalized approaches for more proactive and thoughtful engagement in age-appropriate activities. Whe

ther helping babies to achieve happy tummy and floor time play, adding insightful ideas to enhance babies' experiences during daily tasks, or painting a picture of the intricate link between brain and body development throughout infancy, childhood and adolescence, parents attest that the few hours spent in her classes truly help the text of any book or blog come to life.

Standing for a world of peace, love, joy and abundance is no small calling!!! AND it’s an epic call to answer! This is o...

Standing for a world of peace, love, joy and abundance is no small calling!!! AND it’s an epic call to answer! This is one of the ways I’m creating it!

The Teen Leadership Experience is a workshop that introduces teens to themselves and provides the environment for them to grow and thrive and live epic…together!

To learn more, comment TEEN below.

no more waiting on the world to change! Here we go!

Learned of this book and immediately purchased it. I’m halfway, and it’s raw and real. It helps me understand, it pushes...

Learned of this book and immediately purchased it. I’m halfway, and it’s raw and real. It helps me understand, it pushes some buttons, and I know I will be a better mom and woman and human from it.


My child is a LEADER!

The skill they get to uplevel is…


What I love about my child's school is...

It’s amazing what you can accomplish before 7 am! 3.5-mile hike with my hubby in the books!!! Having Long term vision an...

It’s amazing what you can accomplish before 7 am! 3.5-mile hike with my hubby in the books!!!

Having Long term vision and goals are essential to help me make the daily choices that serve! And when I bring others along with me…magic happens.

And the training begins! Day one of 20 weeks to prepare myself to Everest! Here’s to 29029 Stratton, where in October I ...

And the training begins! Day one of 20 weeks to prepare myself to Everest! Here’s to 29029 Stratton, where in October I get to climb Stratton 17 times to equal the vertical feet of Mount Everest! We have 36 hours to complete this epic endurance challenge. #29029

Our Parent to Partner workshop is TONIGHT in less than two hours, at 5:30 PM Pacific. In the workshop, we will expand an...

Our Parent to Partner workshop is TONIGHT in less than two hours, at 5:30 PM Pacific.

In the workshop, we will expand and shift the paradigm of Parenting AND Partnering.

This expansion will create new possibilities for creating what is important to YOU and identifying your first step to get there.

If you want deeper connections, inspiring relationships, and to be a part of something bigger than you, this is the place to be.

COMMENT BELOW "P2P," and I'll send you the link.

We've all heard about what people say on their deathbeds...not to spend more time in the office, not to have won another award, not to have spent time worrying, resenting, unforgiving, not to have lived life just surviving it and getting through it.

No, what people say on their deathbed is gratitude for the people in their life, the relationships, and if any regret at all, it's about not having spent time in those, developing them, cherishing them, expanding them, making sure they THRIVE epically.

We all KNOW why do we live differently?

Because up until now, it's been harder to create the relationships we really want than to do things like work, worry, accomplish, and hold on.

I am here to help you shift that you y create and live what you want.

Comment Below "P2P" and I'll send you the link privately.

Parenting is personal. Partnering is transformational. Nothing is more powerful than being a true partner with your kids...

Parenting is personal. Partnering is transformational. Nothing is more powerful than being a true partner with your kids, from birth to any age.

Imagine the joy and fulfillment of family members supporting one another like a team, and not just any team—a CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM! It takes vision, commitment, responsibility, inspiration, love, and effective communication—it takes knowing that nobody wins unless everybody wins.

It takes work to be a championship team—the work you see and the work you don't. The journey, the empowerment, the possibilities, the joy, the transformation within you and your family, and the results created are the ingredients to an extraordinary life with epic relationships.

Let's GO!

I am facilitating a workshop TOMORROW, THURSDAY, May 9, at 12pm Pacific. I encourage you to attend LIVE and it if you cannot make that time, it WILL be recorded and distributed to those who register.

To register, put "Partner" in the comments and I will personally send you the Zoom link.

It's Mother's Day on Sunday!! Are you ready? Are you expecting or have a baby under seven months? "Let's Play, Baby!" is...

It's Mother's Day on Sunday!! Are you ready?

Are you expecting or have a baby under seven months? "Let's Play, Baby!" is an essential foundational course for moms, dads, and caregivers who want to feel empowered. Take out the guesswork, build your confidence, and serve your baby....just in time for MOTHER'S DAY!

As a Pediatric Doctor of Physical Therapy, I had no idea how much my graduate coursework would support me as a new mother. It wasn't until I went to the first mommy-and-me playgroup that I realized how lucky I was.

When I arrived and sat in the circle with my 5-month-old baby in my lap, a mom leaned over to me and asked, "What are you doing with your baby?" I answered with some curiosity, "I'm playing with her."

She rephrased her question, "Yes, but why are you playing with her like THAT?"

OOOHHHHHHH!!!! At that moment, a HUGE light bulb went off for me...that somehow I had secret insight, hidden golden treasure, and what turned out to be a level of certainty in that first year that few parents experience.

Once that first question was answered, the rest of that day and every week thereafter, I was peppered with questions and requests for support in what parents were seeing, doing, and experiencing with their babies, especially the realms of motor, sensory, regulatory, social, and play development.

The moms were hungry for MORE!

Soon after, I started teaching this course all over San Diego, and I continue today. It was also exciting to create it for an online audience...JUST BEFORE COVID...10 beautiful babies and moms are highlighted in the class.

The 75-minute, 8-module, self-paced course is packed with actionable information to serve you now and set the foundation for all the development to come.

CLICK THIS LINK for more information and to purchase
for LESS THAN $12! Yes, Happy Mother's Day promo is here.

Enter coupon code MOMSROCK at checkout for 75% off the original price.

And, to all of you who have mothers...aka all of you...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. Pass it on! xoxoxo wendi

Babies learn by moving and playing. Feel empowered when you understand what to expect, what baby needs, and how to provide it. Confidence leads to loving connections.


Transformational Leadership vs Transactional Leadership

Transformational leadership is owning the authority we have in creating the life we want. It is an INSIDE job that has us shift ourselves to create wins for all. It has ME be responsible for all the results being created in my life and in my family, which then ripples into our community and world. It's about enrolling people into the value of vision, the value of commitment, the value of responsibility, the value of excellence, the value of generosity, joy, passion, and more SO THAT the internal drive to cause and create is stronger than any external reward or punishment.

Transactional leadership is external to us; it's about positioning right/wrong, good/bad, and righteous/evil. It's about favors, give-and-take, and back-room deals, often with one party coming out on top to the detriment of the other and creating win-lose scenarios. And, with win-lose, even when the win feels good at the moment, it feels like the "right" outcome; often, the actual loss is revealed over time. Be careful of what seems to work now for the price of what occurs later.

When we live from the inside-out, lit up internally, 100% enrolled in who we are and the win-wins we are creating being in partnership with, we live an extraordinary life. Transformation. Expansion.

When we live based on external reward and punishment (aka transactional), it's a small, controlled existence that, even when it looks good from the outside, is missing that spark of extraordinary.

Transformational leadership is not yet taught or experienced at a critical level in our homes, schools, businesses, communities, and governments. But it can be, and it is my vision that it is so.

I'm curious: On a scale of 1-5, one being the lowest, how familiar are you with the work of transformational leadership?

Have you ever noticed there are lots of different personalities out there? EVEN within your home?!?!!? These different p...

Have you ever noticed there are lots of different personalities out there? EVEN within your home?!?!!? These different personality types have distinct ways of seeing the world, communicating, and behaving. Some of it aligns with you, some of it does not, and some of it downright baffles!

Miscommunication is the foundation of so much breakdown, but with breakdown comes BREAKTHROUGH and SO MUCH POSSIBILITY!!

When we communicate so that it lands, with BOTH with our listening and speaking, all parties experience being seen, heard, and honored. When this occurs, we connect at a level where differences melt away and a space emerges where we can work toward alignment.

Take a quick minute to reflect on your current skills in LISTENING and in SPEAKING. Where is your greatest area of new opportunity and growth?

Hi Friends!!! I have exciting news! The Uryadi's Village orphanage  in S**o, Ethiopia started a boys soccer team last ye...

Hi Friends!!! I have exciting news! The Uryadi's Village orphanage in S**o, Ethiopia started a boys soccer team last year!!! AND THE GIRLS GET TO PLAY, TOO!

Uryadi's Village is a unique place filled with love, hope, joy, and nurturing. It is a loving home for children who otherwise would not have one. It's a place where opportunities are created for each of them AND the surrounding community as a whole. This village is shifting the view of people with disabilities and NOW is shifting the way the community values GIRLS! YES!!!!!

I support the Village financially by sponsoring two beautiful boys AND physically by visiting annually to contribute to the therapy being provided to the kiddos in the village and community. I can tell you first-hand that this village is WORKING, and it's the source of transforming how the community values human life, ALL human life.

And I'm asking for your support so these GIRLS can PLAY. Up until now, playing sports has been for boys. The girls team will consist of girls living in the village AND girls living at their homes in the community. The girls want to play, BUT investment in the sports equipment and athletic clothes and cleats costs more than the families can afford. But, together, we can!

The start-up request is $710. THIS IS SO DOABLE...and DOABLE with urgency. I ask that you contribute, share, and be a part of this GIRLS CHAMPIONSHIP SOCCER (aka FOOTBALL) TEAM!

Thank you in advance!

Several months ago, with the generous support of our donors and the Potter family, were able to establish a soccer team in collaboration with our local community. Soccer, much like other sports, imparts invaluable skills and lessons that resonate ...

The success of our lives is based on the nature, depth, quality of our relationships and focusing on the journey, not th...

The success of our lives is based on the nature, depth, quality of our relationships and focusing on the journey, not the destination.

What if school emphasized THIS!!?

What if school emphasized THIS!!?

Teens are phenomenal! And, when teens are equipped through experiential education with the skills AND the heart to live ...

Teens are phenomenal! And, when teens are equipped through experiential education with the skills AND the heart to live exceptionally, whatever that means to them, our world will thrive for all.

TLE is an experience that lasts one month and inspires for a lifetime.

Comment “TEEN” below, and I will reach out to you to connect.





Many Teens love Pinterest boards!

Name a board they created!

Time to get real. Our kids don't have all the skills because the adults in their lives don't have them either.  This is ...

Time to get real.

Our kids don't have all the skills because the adults in their lives don't have them either.

This is not to shame, blame, guilt, or fault anyone...parents, teachers, coaches, grandparents, pastors, babysitters, any human walking down the street.

We humans do the best we can with what we have. And until we know differently and commit to being different, the patterns continue, the pendulum swings back and forth, the amplitude increasing.

This can manifest in disaster (from world wars to workplace malaise, household overwhelm, slamming doors, underlying frustrations and even resignation about "the way things are") OR we can do something to stop the madness and choose something different.

But, first we must pause to look at what is going on and why it's going on...and that always starts with me. It starts with you. It starts with us looking at the results in our lives...relationships, job, finances, school, health, the experience of our journey.

I'm not gonna lie, this can be a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes is feels like a 2x4 across the face, a huge gut punch, leaving you breathless...wanting to vomit.

That's how I felt when I finally saw how I was not only contributing to, but essentially responsible for the "micro-wars" in my house. 🤮

Academics are important and we can have an entire discussion about what is and isn't working in our world of academics, from elementary school through college and grad school.

But, there is a HUGE chunk of learning that is NOT taking place in our schools, and is not taking place in a majority of homes...YET!

And this learning is the keystone to creating the world we want to live in and the world we want to leave to our children and grandchildren.

I know with all of my being it is possible, and the journey to peace, love, joy and abundance is a choice absolutely worth making.

The sooner we know about that choice and actively choose to live it daily, the better our lives, the stronger our families, more loving our homes, the richer our communities...until we get all the way to world peace.

You might be skeptical...I have a flavor of cynicism that creeps in every once in a while...but I also see the cost of that limiting belief, and I have the power to shift it immediately to create possibility. I claimed my power, you can too.

You might be defensive...I was. I thought I was right and I didn't like to be challenged. But then I got connected to the prices other people paid when I needed to be right...ultimately they felt wrong...which creates a lose, lose experience and result whether I was in the right or not. So I learned enrollment, you can too.

You might not know how...that's okay. Nobody knew how to build the first car, airplane, rocket, computer before they did it. You just commit and go. I am committed and going and I invite you with open arms to join me.

Leadership starts with you. It begins with your vision and your choice to commit to it as if your life and the lives of others depend on it...because it does.

The Parent Leadership Experience is open to ALL parents.

The Teen Leadership Experience is open to 13-17 year olds, 12 if they are extra mature and a demand to attend, 18 if they are a senior in high school.

It's time for parents, teens, everyone to get what transformational leadership is. To live win-win. To create epic relationships and results. To build the world we want to live in, a world that works for all now and generations to come.

I'm here, your partner, when you choose IN. And I'm here even if you don't. I would LOVE to have you IN.



Name one item you adopted late that you now must have to function.

Soooo excited about what we are creating to support teens in seeing, owning and developing their confidence, power, voic...

Soooo excited about what we are creating to support teens in seeing, owning and developing their confidence, power, voice, and impact! Grateful for my partnership with Dawnese Noel Openshaw and for our founding Captain of Teen Leadership Experience 1 (TLE1) Zhanna Shybaila !

We have a FREE preview workshop for parents and teens in 2 weeks! DM me for the info and registration link. SEE YOU SOON!

 Hello fellow humans. I acknowledge this is last minute, and sometimes that’s a fantastic way to urgently choose and go...

 Hello fellow humans. I acknowledge this is last minute, and sometimes that’s a fantastic way to urgently choose and go. ❤️🔥

Who knows, you might even be asking yourself this very question right now.  Wondering your best way forward. 

I’m hosting a workshop called “Discover and Live your Vision” TODAY in 20 minutes, at 12 noon Pacific.


Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Discover and Live Your Vision. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

Sooooo many beautiful faces, hearts and souls. I took many more photos of the kids, and these special 10 were the bigges...

Sooooo many beautiful faces, hearts and souls. I took many more photos of the kids, and these special 10 were the biggest helpers in the Physical Therapy clinic, Uryadi’s Village medical, infant and toddler houses where I screened many little ones, and Tazo, the house where we stayed.

They all have a very special place in my heart, and as our 2-week visit is coming to a close, it is very bittersweet to think about leaving.

My daughters and I will be back again and again.

It turns out our once in a lifetime trip to Africa 4 years ago was really the first of many! 🇪🇹❤️🌍

I’m currently reading the book Child Catchers, which exposes the very real dark side of developing country orphanages and international adoption.

I’m sooooo grateful to be a part of a village for orphaned children that does everything it can to keep families in S**o together, and strengthen the local community by caring for children who will grow to be productive, upstanding members of their beautiful local community…and world!

makes a HUGE difference…it is a unique and special place.

This beautiful boy, Yafet, who is a Uryadi’s Village resident, has an unknown genetic syndrome. He has very low muscle t...

This beautiful boy, Yafet, who is a Uryadi’s Village resident, has an unknown genetic syndrome. He has very low muscle tone and if left alone lies on the floor, unable to roll, push up, or get into sitting by himself.

Once placed in sitting he can balance for a brief moment before he falls.


With a PT body warm up to align and activate and some key adaptive garments and devices, he is sitting by himself playing for 20+ minutes!

It doesn’t take much, but it does take your sponsorship to support the kids to thrive. I invite you to join me. ❤️ DM me or visit Uryadi’s Village to learn more and jump on board.

Grain day occurs semi-annually, where 50-100 surrounding community families receive sponsored bags of grain to feed them...

Grain day occurs semi-annually, where 50-100 surrounding community families receive sponsored bags of grain to feed them for three months.

Families line up patiently by 7 am. Distribution began at 10 am. Once they receive their grain, “Firenjis” or foreigners, including my daughters, carry the grain back to their homes outside the village walls.

is always welcoming new sponsors to contribute to grain day specifically, and many other programs within the village that directly impact the kids, the staff, and the community.

Here is among the many families waiting for their grain.



How I serve YOU!


Are you leading with love?

Our coaches are standing by to take you through the “Parenting with love versus fear assessment” and a strategy session to take your next best step. click here to book your free assessment.


427 S Cedros Avenue, Suite 101
Solana Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 5pm


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Our Mission

Move Play Grow is a heart-centered community that embodies “It takes a village.” When your child inspires you to be the best version of yourself, we at Move Play Grow provide you and your little one with love, guidance, fun, knowledge, and transformative opportunities.

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