Hey members!
Are you going to massage, PT, and chiropractor appointments, but nothing is sticking?
You may want to look under the hood at your Body's Stress Response.
When in stress mode, you may not feel it, others may not see it, but your body knows!
Please register for your preferred appt slot at our Free In-person HRV Event this Saturday. (I know, we are going to be open on a Saturday! Bring bottles to fill up water too:)
Between 9am-3pm. We have 17 more spots available!
When: Saturday, Oct. 19th
Time: 9am-3pm
What: 15 min HRV Assessment and Interpretation ($67 Value)
4 HRV Markers + More!
-Stress Index
-Metabolic Pyramid
-Biological Age
-Inflammation Index
The registration link is in the description.
See you this Saturday!
Lifetime Water & Wellness
#frequencymedicine #futureofchronicdiseasetreatment #chronicdiseasealternativesupport #biohacking #ANS #Guthealth #nervoussystemsupport
Reagan experienced depression, acne, and hormonal dysregulation and felt stuck.
Listen to how Hydrogen-Rich Water and our Gut Detoxification course got her back on track!
Course Description:
A 6-week online gut course designed for you to stop chasing symptoms and get to the REAL problem. Heal and seal for a REAL Gut Detox!
Get on our Jan. 2025 email waitlist!
Disclaimer: Lifetime Water & Wellness LLC does not provide medical advice. THIS COURSE IS FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information provided is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical doctor, or other medical professionals on your care team before beginning any new diet, supplementation, or exercise program. Statements and opinions on the Lifetime Water & Wellness LLC website and other related sources (Blogs, programs, mini-courses, and social media platforms) are provided as self-help tools only. Lifetime Water LLC does not guarantee the accuracy or effectiveness of the information to your unique circumstances.
Welcome, New Water & Wellness Followers! 🥳
We had a member (who owns a water ionizer) come in yesterday and share this quote, and we couldn't agree more!
Stop relying on bottled water and take control of your drinking water.
How we can help you clean up your body's fish tank;)
🚰 Whole-house filtration and Condition systems (quit bathing in toxins)
🚰3-stage customized filters for removing/reducing Chloramines, Chlorine, Lead, VOCs, Glyphosate, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Metals, Chromium, THMs, Nitrates, Flouride, PFAS
🚰Our preferred Water Ionizer for Hydrogen-Rich Water (FAQ)
*Sign up for our newsletter for in-home deep cleaning options and more ways to help you clean your fish tank!
**Check out the pre-filter page on our website for more information about getting rid of environmental toxins from your water before you add your molecular hydrogen (H2)! 😉
***We also have water lab reports in our article section!
In health,
Lifetime Water & Wellness
#waterionizer #hydrogenwater #environmentaltoxins #waterfiltersystem
We are thrilled that Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is getting more time in the sun! 😎
Finally, the anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, anti-obesity, and anti-
aging benefits of H2 are becoming widely known.
There have been 1,000+ animal and clinical studies produced in this last decade. Check out HRW on pubmed for more info.
As more H2 (Molecular Hydrogen) producing water bottles, ready-to-drink products, and tablets come on the market, our members have more questions about the quality of the plates and efficacy.
One of our water members brought in a hydrogen-producing water bottle to test. (Price $50.00) Brand new.
We tested it using:
-Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
-H2 Blue drops to test the presence and concentration of H2
The Hydrogen-Producing Water Bottle:
-Did not demonstrate a potential for oxidation-reduction
-Did not produce any H2 (it’s a new bottle)
Our preferred Water Ionizer (a medical-grade device registered in Japan)
-Produced -640 on the oxidation-reduction potential meter (which means it has the potential to reduce cellular oxidation)
-Produced .3ppm of H2*
*Ideally, your Hydrogen Water tests between .5-1.6ppm (therapeutic value) Please see the pinned video for another test using our same ionizer. Our website and YouTube channel has more info to clean and replace the filters of your water ionizer regularly for the best H2 benefits:)
P.S. Be wary of cheap products that you ingest!! Book a Complimentary Consultation and Water Test at the shop anytime:)
#molecularhydrogen #H2
If you are in San Diego, join us for our upcoming LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS-Friday, August 16th
You will be tested for:
parasites, liver stress, heavy metals, yeast/candida, liver/kidney stress, blood clots, cholesterol, plaque, iron deficiency, poor digestion, oxidative stress caused by free radical damage, and more+
It's a little prick of your finger and your blood will be analyzed by a Registered Nurse, Ron Klaver, and interpreted by Hali Gillin from Health Logic Pros under a microscope.
6 Spaces are still available. $65/pp. Register using the link in the description box.
***Must fast for at least 3 hours before the appointment.
Lifetime Water & Wellness
#livebloodanalysis #futureofchronicdiseasetreatment #chronicdiseasealternativesupport #biohacking #ANS #Guthealth
Your food choices and extra exercise isn’t making a dent in your Chronic infections and Bacterial Overgrowth!
Sorry to tell ya, but take it from some who knows.
Come to class on Friday!
We are talking all things parasites 🦠
Did you know that parasites gotta be taken care of early in your detox protocol because they house other toxins and pathogens like lyme, bacteria, mold, viruses and heavy metals?
We’ve got updated photos and success stories from our latest May Cohort.
Registration link in bio:)
#onlinecourse #webinar #functionalmedicine #foundationalmedicine #parasite
Hi 👋 ya’ll! Join us this Wednesday at 10am online for our latest training titled: Environmental Toxins: Why Cilantro isn’t going to cut it.
We’ve been getting a lot of water and nutritional questions this summer and thought it would be great to address them all in one place:)
Cilantro is great on top of salads and in your smoothies but. . .
You need to do more, a LOT more when it comes to removing Toxins and Heavy Metals from the body.
Join us live for:
-Water Filter Info
-How HM impact the gut brain 🧠 connection
-More Nutrition Myths
-Best way to remove toxins from the body (updated for 2024!)
-A microbiome recipe from our functional mentor teacher @functionalnutritionalliance that you won’t want to miss 👩🏫
Registration link 🔗 is in the description box:) Soon you soon.
Robin & Taylor, CFNC
The shop is all stocked with machine filters, saline solution and deep cleaning options for summer! ☀️
Check out the pre-filter page on our website for more information about getting rid of environmental toxins from your water before you add your molecular hydrogen! 😉
✨3-stage customized filters
✨Whole-House Filtration and Condition systems
✨Water ionizers
✨Trace mineral recommendations
✨ In-home deep cleaning options
Lifetime Water & Wellness
#waterionizer #hydrogenwater #environmentaltoxins #waterfiltersystem
Frequency is supportive and can be a treatment all on its own!
There are over 1,000 different frequency options🪱
Pop by the shop to give our @vibra.genix a try!
Our Circuit Membership also includes Hydrogen-Rich Water 💧
Happy Parasite Week!
Robin & Taylor
Are you sensitive? Need some gentle support to support your current treatments?
We have some great products in our Circuit Membership designed to support your nervous system and cellular health.
You are listening to:
528hz (Cellular Regeneration and DNA 🧬 repair)
+ Scalar Waves
Low Vibration Setting
Book an initial appointment and try out any of our products before signing up for your monthly membership. 💐🌷
In support,
Robin & Taylor
CSA Box by JR Organics:
Taylor's Chop Chop Salad
Simple Recipe
This salad has it all! Salty, sweet, tart, crunchy, and savory. So crave-worthy!
Mix dressing ingredients and use half to toss salad (creates enough for two or three salads)
1/4 cup of avocado or olive oil
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup of Red Boat Fish Sauce
1 tbsp of Rice Wine Vinegar
1 tbsp of Coconut Aminos
Juice of 1 lime or orange
1 crushed garlic clove
1/2 of jalapeño finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Salad Ingredients:
4 cups of Spring Mix, Baby Kale, or chopped romaine
1 chopped cucumber
1 carrot (cut matchstick style)
4 sliced radishes
2 chopped green onion or sliced red onion
1/4 cup of chopped cilantro
Sliced Organic Strawberries
Add sliced avocado
#frequencymedicine #futureofchronicdiseasetreatment #chronicdiseasealternativesupport #biohacking #ANS #Guthealth
Environmental toxins can hamper our body's natural detoxification process by creating a sticky fat layer around our cells that prevents water from getting in and toxins from going out!
Our water ionizers can help! 💦 Using solid titanium plates covered in medical-grade platinum, our ionizer produces hydrogen-rich water that has over 170+ therapeutic benefits for the body! 🙌🏼
Hydrogen-rich water is a great partner in supporting your body to detoxify from environmental toxins and keep inflammation at bay due to its ability to produce powerful anti-oxidants! 🌱
Say goodbye to oxidative stress and inflammation with hydrogen-rich water! 💧Learn more about its benefits by checking out our pinned post, our YouTube channel, or joining our newsletter! And if you're in the area, pop by the shop for a free sample! 😊
#healthyhome #chemicalfree #personalized #hydrogenrichwater #healthprotocols #medicalgradeionizer
Remember, keeping our bodies healthy and hydrated is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a Lifetime! 💙