Connect with the divine power through Sahaja Yoga .
Why are we here?
" Many people these days you find are talking about tensions. "We have too much tension, we have too much of worry, life is very fast. What to do how to live?” The reason is, you are still lost in your ego and super-ego, because you think "I have to do this, I must get it done" and "This is my idea of doing.." a particular thing. You depend on a certain conception of something to be done and when you find it is not done you get frustrated and unhappy.Because all your attention is on what you can do and not on what God can do to you. It can only happen if you become a part and parcel of that Divine Power. Otherwise, by giving lectures, that "you just leave everything to God" it is not going to happen. It's a happening which has to work out within you, that, suddenly you become that, you become the part of that great dynamic force and it starts flowing through you. And through this only, you'll be amazed that wondrous things happen and miracles take place. "
HH Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi
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