Currently there is no cure or treatment for Coronavirus and regardless of the severity of your symptoms, ultimately your body has to fight the virus off.
Besides social distancing and good hygiene, our best defenses to prevent infection or minimize severity are to boost one’s immune system and stay healthy from all viruses and colds, not just coronavirus.
The foundation of a holistic prevention strategy include a clean diet (less sugar and alcohol), restorative sleep, stress reduction and supporting cardio, respiratory and lymphatic health through exercise. Additionally these are my favorite vitamins, minerals, herbs and homeopathic remedies to enhance overall immunity.*
Featuring key antiviral herbs like astragalus, Echinacea, lemon balm extract and maitake mushroom as well as immune supporting minerals such as zinc and vitamins A and C.
Immune Supportive Dose: 1-2 capsules per day (rotating on and off every few weeks)
1st Sign of Symptoms: up to 6 capsules per day (decreasing dose after two weeks)
Glutathione Recycler
Supports glutathione production, a powerful immune balancer. Contains N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC), known for it’s affinity to relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant, loosening mucus in air passageways. Functions as an antioxidant, by replenishing glutathione levels in your lungs and reducing inflammation in your bronchial tubes and lung tissue.
Immune Supportive Dose: 1-6 capsules per day
Immune Supportive Dose: 15g per day, with food
Vitamin D
Immune Supportive Dose: 1,000-10,000 IU’s per day, based on individual lab levels
1st Sign of Symptoms: up to 50,000 IU’s per day for 3 days max, monitor individual lab levels - Vitamin D is fat soluble and will store in tissue
Buffered C Powder
1st Sign of Symptoms: 1 scoop 1-3+ times per day for duration of symptoms; dosing above 2000mg of vitamin c can cause gi upset, nausea or loose stool so adjust dose according to bowel tolerance
Vitamin A
Immune Supportive Dose: 1,500 mcg RAE (5,000 IU’s) per day, based on individual lab levels
1st Sign of Symptoms: up to 50,000 IU’s per day for 3 days max, monitor individual lab levels -Vitamin A is fat soluble and will store in tissue
We have a limited supply of the mentioned supplements. Please call the office at 818-914-9419 to place your order. Shipping available.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Dosages listed are for short term use. Please consult you healthcare practitioner. Not intended for children, or woman who are pregnant or lactating.