How to use crystals? Check these out! #crystals #cristales #healingwithcrystals #healing #selfcare #crystalproperties #crystalenergy #energyhealing #energia #energiadesanacion #wellness #holisticwellness #aileennealie #keepitreal
Emotional Boundaries
Having Healthy Emotional Boundaries are essential to a successful relationship. Here are the three types. Identify yourself.
Sage doesn’t clear the energy of your space. This does.
Behind the scenes at Rompiendo el Silencio. #aileennealie
Speaking about time management on Rompiendo el Silencio, on channel 57.1 Vision Latina. Hablando de como manejar su tiempo.
Gracias por la invitación!
#timemanagement #manejatutiempo #talkshow #guestontalkshow #latinos #losangeles #saludmental #aileennealie
Align with the frequency of your greatest truth and have a say on your destiny. I can do this for you.
A Prayer for the World, by Marianne Williamson
#findthelight #fightforthelight #bethelight #worldprayer @mariannewilliamson #protecttheinnocent #careforhumanity #Uvalde #Buffalo #LagunaWoods #aileennealie
Charla con Martha Diaz en vivo en unos minutos (7pm hora del pacifico)
#aileennealie #cosmoenergia #sanate #latinos #evoluciona #seacaboelsufrimiento #anaheim