Prism Dental Group - Dr. Savitha Siddappa, DMD AEGD MS
A practicing professional since 2001, Dr. Siddappa’s passion for dentistry is reflected in her dedication to providing patients with state-of-the-art, minimally invasive procedures and evidence-based treatment strategies leading not only to great cosmetic results, but also to improve quality of life for her patients.
Dr. Siddappa has in depth knowledge of various fields of dentistry including specialty training in orofacial pain and oral medicine from University of Southern California. She is a skilled provider of non-surgical/no needles approach to treat your temporomandibular joint(TMJ) disorders and headaches using FDA approved techniques.
Her knowledge and understanding of facial anatomy enables her to provide precise Botox injections into the muscles, Steroid or PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injections into temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) that produce excellent results, minimizing treatment complications.
Outside of dentistry she enjoys spending time with her husband Ravish, Son TJ and daughter Trisha, hiking, and traveling.