The topic of whether or not our animal companions reincarnate back into our lives. It’s actually a bit controversial amongst animal communicators, but here’s my take. #animalmedium #petcommunication #animalcommunication #rainbowbridge #animalreincarnation
Some thoughts on why you might feel certain animal souls around you a lot and others less so. Same can go for passed human loved ones too of course. 💛
It’s been a while since i did a little psa about the scammer situation on Instagram.
Good rules of thumb:
@transcendingthea is my only account (doublecheck that the account you see this video on is the same. Scammers will likely copy this video onto their impersonator account too)
No legit psychic/medium/animal communicator will ever cold-DM you offering readings. That’s a big red flag, even if they look like a reader you like.
If anyone that looks like me or has a similar username ever DMs you and says they have a message for you or that they feel drawn to you, that is not me.
Report them as impersonating someone you know, and then block them. That’s the only thing that can be done right now. I can’t do anything about them personally as I can’t even see their accounts (they block me). Stay vigilant! 💛