If you thought parsley was only good for decoration around restaurant salad bars ... think again!!
First of all, besides several phytochemicals, parsley has many healthy nutrients: calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phospohorus, potassium, seleniu, zinc, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C and E! Speaking of vitamin C ... parsley contains more than oranges by weight!
Parsley expels worms, freshens breath, relieves gas, stimulates the digestive system, and helps with thryroid, bladder, stomach, kidney, lung, and liver function.
It's also good for fluid retention, high blood pressure, obesity, and prostate disorders.
WOW, parsley!!
You can grow it easily in a pot at home, which looks fresh and pretty, or in your garden!
Add it to soups, chop up into your ground meat before grilling, toss with salad, or simply chew on some before and after dinner.