A friend of mine recently mentioned to me that he is "either stressing about what he has to do or stressing about not having enough to do" and asked if I could help him "chill out, and stop stressing." This is such a common thing for most of us I decided to dedicate a post on this topic.
We hear what we think to ourselves, what we hear most we tend to believe, what we think most about we tend to bring about in our lives, good and bad it seems. We can change what we think, so we change what we hear, and that can change what we believe, and with new beliefs we change what we bring about in our lives.
The conditions that you believe exist, you acknowledge, and what you acknowledge you think about, and may even bring about. The conditions we believe exist we often create ourselves and they will exist until we deconstruct them. Our perspective, it seems, has some self fulfilling prophesy power mixed in it.
So how do we deconstruct the wall?
Take the above statement and say to yourself instead; "I am either THINKING about all the things I WANT to do or I am THINKING about WANTING to do more. Replace the words stressed and having to, with thinking and want to.
Just this simple change in wording empowers us more but this alone is not enough.
When we stop making our happiness a condition of outcomes we are empowered to deconstruct the walls we've built around ourselves or directly in front of the goals we want to achieve. It's often easy to imagine having what we want, what's hardest is not thinking about what we don't want. We consider the barriers, the what ifs, the time we'll have to budget. Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves so much we never get started!! What a paradox!!
Deconstructing the wall: What if we could hear a new message and come to believe it stronger than the message we currently hear and believe? What if we could find a way to become our own best friend instead of our own worst enemy? What if our brain could be our servant, our butler, and do whatever we require of it instead of feeling like a slave to our own thoughts and feelings that just repeat and repeat, never seeming to change?
That new message we'll replace the old habitual one with could look something like this:
"I'm always doing enough of all the things I want to do and that brings me joy, peace, and purpose."
Action always starts with feeling, which leads to thoughts, if not to reaction. Re-Action is what must change if we are to stop repeating the past. So instead of "thinking" I say "doing" because thinking is only the planning of an action. And I replace "have to or having to" with want. When you make demands to yourself with should, have to, must, need to, etc., there will always be a part of you that becomes defiant to this command! My inner child must enjoy what my inner parent and adult are doing in order to be expected to cooperate. He will sabotage and become defiant if there is nothing in it for him.
You see, Joy and Peace are the results of doing what you want to do, and doing it well. Finding it helps others brings even more purpose, joy, and peace to you as a result.
Neurons that fire together wire together-
Yes! What you think, hear, and believe can and does rewire your brain. It changes you, and changes your actions. Ask anyone in Alcoholics Anonymous whose been sober a long time, or a friend who's had "a spiritual awakening." They are proof it works, and you don't need proof because the wall in front of you is your proof, the wall you made with your thoughts, beliefs, and the conditions you think you must meet in order to achieve your goals.
The above affirmation only works once it is stronger, wired in more powerfully, and replaces the old message. Saying that above statement many times a day, even out loud to yourself, again, and again, and again, is the only thing needed to make your brain believe it, when your brain believes it you will see it and your brain will become your butler, you will become your best friend.
I suspect my friend is seeking more success at what he does for a living, and that he may equate that success with higher ratings, more customers, equaling more money eventually. I know he is outstanding at what he does, but like all of us, he may get in his own way without even knowing it. That is relatable for all of us I think.
We have been under the impression that everything is cause and effect, we've thought, "the harder I work, the more money I will make."
What we fail to realize is that more money is actually a side effect of joy, peace, and purpose, of doing what we want to do, and doing it well in service to others.
Many billionaires report they never intended to become even a millionaire, they report that they were just doing what they loved to do, and more and more people kept wanting more and more of what they were selling, their service.
All of us have a service to sell, the value of it depends on others need of it, and how well we produce it. Our financial gain is a result of the joy, peace, and purpose we get in the delivery of what we have to contribute to others.
There are some things we all possess that we can control, we can make them work for us, or we can let them make us lack control, react to life, make everything we achieve based on some unrealistic conditions we are convinced exist. The things we all possess are thoughts and feelings, if we don't possess them they will possess us!! We control what we possess, when we are controlled by something we are possessed. You own your brain, don't let it own you.
There is no wall, you can be a "nothing is possible until I am convinced it is" or an "everything is possible until I am convinced it is not" kind of person. Further, it is completely within your power to choose which you will be or become...unless, of course, you are convinced it is not.
Scott A. Hall- I help people become what their current thoughts and feelings will not allow, I help them develop the thoughts they need to respond to their emotions rather than continue reacting to them, I help people develop the script they need so they can rehearse for the role they wish to have in life and I help them to dismantle and deconstruct their assumed role. I help victims become victors! This brings me joy, peace, purpose, and yes, money too. Now PLEASE share this with others and feel the JOY!