Lateral Side Stretch
This exercise stretches and strengthens the intercostal muscles, which are the muscles that help support your ribs. This stretch can also lengthen the abdominal muscles, hips, and thigh muscles, while improving flexibility in your spine.
Sphinx Stretch
The Sphinx helps strengthen the spine and rebalance the natural curve of your lower back. You'll also stretch your chest, shoulders and abdominal wall which will help strengthen your core and open up your chest.
> Start by lying face-down on the floor with your legs extended behind you, hip width apart.
> Place your elbows directly underneath your shoulder blades. Press the tops of your feet into the ground and engage your quadriceps.
> While inhaling, press your palms into the ground and lift your upper body up.
> Keep your head in a neutral position.
> Return to the starting position by letting your forearms support you and returning your upper body to the ground.
How are you planning to take in the last weeks of Summer?
Here's a view from one of my recent hiking trips 🌤️
“The future depends on what you do today.” —Mahatma Gandhi
Don't wait until tomorrow to start!
Sitting for prolonged periods, especially with bad posture, is the most common cause of tight muscles on the side of your neck, also known as the levator scapulae muscles.
When the levator scapulae is tight it can cause discomfort or pain in your neck as well as your shoulders.
In this video Dr. Al shows you how to perform the levator scapulae stretch to help you find some relief!
Every morning you have two options. Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them 🏔️ Take the weekend and chase some of your dreams!
#colorado #mountains
Views from a 14er hike 🏔️
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” —Theodore Roosevelt
Glute Bridge Exercise:
Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Keep your arms to your sides with palms facing down.
Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line.
Squeeze your glutes and abdominal muscles.
Hold the bridged position for 2-3 seconds and repeat 10-15 times!
Taking it all in 🏔️
This is your Monday reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you 💫
How can you get more from your chiropractic care?
This series will go through tips on how to help your body continue to have benefits from your adjustments. This first video is all about the importance of stretching!
#wellness #stretching #chiropractor #gonsteadchiropractor #denver
It's the last of the common personal injury questions!
It’s important to go to the a chiropractor as soon as possible after an accident but when to stop treatment may vary 🤔
How long should you continue going to the chiropractor after an accident?
#chiropractor #wheatridgecolorado #denver
Do chiropractors work with other doctors?
What do you think? 🤔
#chiropractor #wheatridgecolorado #denver
How do I find a personal injury chiropractor? 🕵️
While looking online, pay attention the the reviews! Similarly, recommendations from friends, family, or even co-workers are a great way to find a chiropractor as well.
Jumping back in to personal injury questions: Who's going to pay for your care if you're in an auto accident?
What are the most common injuries a personal injury chiropractor deals with?
As you may have guessed, joint and ligament injuries are super common. Whiplash is an example of this type of injury and it doesn't need a high-speed accident to occur.
#gonsteadchiropractor #chiropractor #wellness #wheatridgecolorado
Thank you Odaly for sharing your experience with us!
Chiropractic care can help you learn about your body and steps to take to improving your health as well as getting your body to a place where sports and activities don't cause you discomfort.
#gonsteadchiropractor #chiropractic #chiropractor #wellness
Many chiropractors are not in network providers. At The Disc chiropractic, we are in network with several different health networks. We also work with cash paying patients as well! Feel free to give us a call and we can work through payment options with you ☺️
#gonsteadchiropractor #wheatridge #denver #colorado
Earlier this month there was a post regarding a common question several people have about chiropractic care. Here's a little clip explaining that answer in more detail!
#gonsteadchiropractor #chiropractor #wellness
Finding the right chiropractor is key! Set up a consultation so you can start your healing journey 💫
Stay tuned for the rest of Odaly's story 😊
#gonsteadchiropractor #chiropractor #healthyliving #wellness
What would you tell someone who's on the fence about chiropractics?
Thank you Derek for the kind words and sharing your experience!
#wellness #chiropractor #gonsteadchiropractor #neverstopmoving