Acupuncture is a 5000 year old medical treatment tradition originating in the Far East. Practiced throughout the modern world, millions have found relief through acupuncture and massage for a wide variety of ailments. Not just the stuff of incense burning spas, the NIH currently has over 40 open studies on acupuncture (not to mention the dozens of published studies!). Owner Kris Petersen, MS, LAc,
LMT has 30+ years in the medical wellness industry and works closely with both traditional and alternative practitioners. Acupuncture and Massage can help relieve fatigue, chronic pain and injury, poor flexibility, dependence on medications, stress, neurological, muscular, and many other painful issues. Acupuncture and Massage work alone or in tandem with conservative Western Medicine without fear of side effects or dangerous drug interactions. Kris Petersen, MS, LAc, LMT performs treatments in his relaxing professional setting off Oleander Drive in Wilmington , NC. Kris has over 30 years in the medical wellness business and has served the Wilmington area since 1989. He has specific treatments for many medical conditions ranging from plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, bursitis, neck, back, head pain, tennis/golfer's elbow, shin splints, car injuries, athletic injuries, TMJ, anxiety, and more. Anything painful can be treated. Many patients find immediate relief within one session! Very rarely does someone need repeated, long term care. Call today for an appointment!