Almost every day, the message arrives on our doorstep, one way or another, about the multitude of environmental problems that surround us and that threaten a future that may even approach the apocalyptic. To this, some people respond by questioning the very validity of humankind’s presence on this planet.
For many of us, it is clear that we live in a culture of profound and ever-growing disconnect with the natural world. A sentiment like “the planet would be better off without us” takes this disconnect to its most extreme level, virtually negating our place in the web of life. It also stymies action, re-imagination, and motivation.
But since we are a species that is here, and has been here for a very long time, it is clear that we do have a valid place in the web of life. We are a contributing part of the greater ecosystem. The problem is not that we do not belong, it is that we have fallen out of connection and out of right relationship. I think many of us sense this on an emotional level. Despite all our efforts to live the good life within the framework of contemporary society, something still feels absent, not quite right.
When bombarded with messages of our destructiveness, our uselessness, and of our planet going to the dogs, it can be hard to imagine or claim experiences of “joy,” or “connection,” or “grace” vis-a-vis the natural world. Indeed, many people close down further, dull their response, even give up. But if disconnect is what got us here, the way through our current predicament is not in further diminishing our connection, but it re-cultivating the inter-connectedness that we have lost. We need to re-ignite our emotional sense about our place as humans in the web of life. A re-enchanted sense of place. Which is here for us. Our bodies still remember. And practices offering a path to re-enchantment are available.
Alas, we are not flooded with messages like that each day. 😞
To feel our place, we need to first radically open up our capacity to actually feel. This naturally activates our sense of wonder, for the world reveals itself as an astonishing marvel once we slow down, silence the constant chatter, and take the attention off ourselves. As we learn how to walk with greater respect and sensitivity, re-enchantment and joy follow, for we are now on the path of building right relationship. The intelligence of the heart come to lead, and we start to sense our place as equals in the web of life. And it feels damn good to be there.
Forest bathing is a relational practice that offers just such a path. As one participant reflected on their experience: “I felt neither significant nor insignificant; I was simply one of the beings that were all around me. I came out feeling clean, fresh, transparent.”
One Mind Mountain is pleased to be able to work with individuals and small groups, playing a role in the collective re-imagining of our place in the web of life. Come and be re-enchanted!
To inquire about one-off experiences or deeper, intensive or extended explorations, please get in touch with a DM.