Intombiyamanzi Products

Intombiyamanzi Products Online reading R350
Face to face reading (ukuhlola)R200
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Please note end of January pricing will be πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«

Please note end of January pricing will be πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«

Ingwe Vimbela White Ointment 20g is specially formulated with a range of effective ingredients to soothe away pain and h...

Ingwe Vimbela White Ointment 20g is specially formulated with a range of effective ingredients to soothe away pain and help alleviate sleeplessness.

Usage instructions:

Dosage: rub a small amount on the body or area that is in pain.

Red Vimbela

The color Red, denoting sensuality and extroversion, is associated with characters that are great at solving problems and tend to make quick decisions. In colour therapy and colour healing, Red is used to increase social-intelligence and coping mechanisms.

Vimbela casts out evil spirits, removes flesh (tokoloshi),removes all evil from the skin, makes you lucky, eliminates acne. You can rub it in between your thighs if you have spiritual husband issues just as a temporary solution.

If you making isash/rope for a baby or yourself you can rub the vimbela on the sash/rope for extra protection.

Rub a small amount on the area which needs treatment.

073 381 5120

073 381 5120

For orders 073 381 5120Courier fee R120

For orders 073 381 5120
Courier fee R120

LesediBuying previously owned property.When buyimg a house or a car you need to be able to ask all the relevant question...


Buying previously owned property.

When buyimg a house or a car you need to be able to ask all the relevant questions so that you will be able to know what needs to be done.

Ask if they have brought in idlozi in the yard so that they need to open umkampelo/umbethelo so that they can tell their ancestors that they are leaving and have found a new place. This will make it easy for you when you will do the ceremony to bring in your ancestors, its always a problem when people buy a house and they try and put in their ancestors and to find that they dont enter due to the fact that you can never have two bulls in one sbaya/kraal/barn so one needs to leave so that the other will be able to enter. That is why in most cases we find that when you go and hlola bathi abakini basele ngaphandle, you will need to ask the healer why they outside so that you will be able to fix the root problem.

In other cases you will have another persons ancestors and when yoi start building you find that you start but cannot finish, due to them asking who you have asked permission from to build, they will make unnecessary spending and the place will stay for years not being finished. Another problem is in most culture /siko when a person has a still born they will bury the child in the yard, things like imbeleko and ingubo are also buried in the yard. So that is also what needs to be asked in a polite manner so that they will be able to open up freely to you.
It will be hard to live in a yard where there is a baby buried /it being a place that their grandparents are laid.

A house that has indumba/umsamo built needs to have rituals done ao that the ancestors can agree to leave that yard and go to a new place where they will be able to rest. Its the same with a car you need to ask when it was previously owned. Most people bayazicinisa imoto and bahlalosa idlozi kulo since they had stated that the car will do thier duties. And when selling that type of a car it will cause a new owner problems ans it will seem as if you not a owner but a person trying to steal the car. With that you will need to ask these questions before you buy the car, ask if ikhona imithi ngoba imithi iyakhulunyiswa, so that it can be cleansed out and where it is placed, if it has had a sash, rope, linda, doll, teddy, takkie in most cases those things have umuthi in them so when you remove it you will need to speak and state that "mele badilike" so that the new owner will not have a problem.
We all get excited when we purchased something that will be new to us and forget that with it people had found it new to them as well and had done rituals so that they keep what they have safe.

Its very crucial that before you move in that the other ancestors have left and than once that has been done, you will clean the space and than move in bese do what you need to. Remember dont bethela umuzi if its not yours fully reason being is if you struggle to pay it off and the back takes it back that you have done will create a issue for the next person. Once you have asked a the relevant question you will know what to do and you will be able to explain to your healer as well on what you have discovered. Kodwa eyomtwana will be a very difficult one so i suggest you dont buy a house that has a still born baby in it.

I hope that this will be able to assist those that are in the process of buying to do all the right things and ask questions so that you dont have problems.

Makwande kukhanye

Lesedi πŸ•―οΈMany times people will go and consult and mainly find things that parents didn't do or your marriage was done h...

Lesedi πŸ•―οΈ

Many times people will go and consult and mainly find things that parents didn't do or your marriage was done half or incorrectly.

There are things that you need to understand when it comes to bringing two families together, there shouldn't be a process that is missed or the ancestors will give you a ruff time or even not recognize you in the family.

Let's start with the parents... If the parents are "married" and staying together and uyohlola and find that there is a ancestor that stated that there is still a debt that they have they will explain to you what it is and why you are being pulled from both sides of the family, in this case a result of falling I'll with no reason or not knowing what the problem will be, other times you will not be able to find path to where you need to go due to one side blocking you from getting there due to the fact of the process.

So what is this process you ask, well when (culture) you take a women the process starts with sending a letter to the lady's family that you would like to bring together the family, the second process is where the lobola will start(remember each culture would do it differently kodwa the process is the same but the names you will use are different for the process) the lady's family will need to make sure that they let the ancestors know of the process and set up umsamo where imali will go when abakhongi have left. They (ancestors need to be part of this process) as much as you are feasting they will need to feast as well, you can either have your chickens and brewd alcohol or slaughter a four legged animal.

On that day the lady will not go anywhere not even to the man's house mele akhotwe yidlozi lakhe.... Ngomthetho you don't go period khona until all process is done kodwa with the modern makoti they will leave the house the same day ayokipita🀭.
The elder needs to speak over the money and that money is than used when umembeso happens, remember this is also done at the house la kuhlala khona idlozi and not at a hall or park as they too needs to be invited... (idlozi).

Ukuthelwa kwenyongo and exchange of isnyama is important that will be placed at each alter so that idlozi will be able to accept both parties to both families. In this process is where you finish off your bride(they say that umfazi akaqcedwa and that is not true as this is the part that will go hand in hand with the traditional wedding but many won't know as they don't reach that stage). Make sure when umembeso is done that you don't leave anyone out living or passed as that is the big key of having the things completely done.

When the bride is taken to the males house and the bride inserts the house without being noticed a fine can be paid(again these processes are not done the same and in this one others fine for being late) used for the wedding as well. Where was I.... Oh ja, when the bride is now entered in the yard of the groom she will need to be introduced to their ancestors and state that she will be part of the family and conduct the things that will be done lapho. It's up to the grooms family if you stay in the main house khabo mfana for how long to do the duties that need to be done and after lapho escourt you to your house if you will not be staying there full time.

This process is the same when you get married kodwa it becomes a issue if your parents didn't complete, this will need to start with them so that the linage is corrected. So that you don't fall in the same pot and your children. Now you ask how does it affect me... Well it affects you as the two ancestors are putting you in between who wants you and what they need to provide for you. So in short you are not yet of your father's family and floating from your mother's side that is where you will hear the healer say your mother will need to do umsebenzi for you so that ube umntwana wokusala ekhaya until such time things are being corrected.

There is no need to change surname to mother's side you can continue to use dad's surname but idlozi that will fend for you will be of your mother. When things have been done on their side than dad will do umsebenzi for his kids and have a introduction done he will need to use a four legged animal.

This process is really long and can't all be shared via a post but get a elder to explain it all before you get married so that you know that all things have been done right.

Abo lobola and sign.... Hai let me tool🀭

If there is something that I have missed out please share with others... Even the process done in the different culture.

Makwande kukhanye πŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈ

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Limited stock
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When all things alignπŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠ

When all things alignπŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠ



Lesedi πŸ™πŸ™I have been asked this question to many times and I feel that I need to explain it kahle to you.Everyone has id...

Lesedi πŸ™πŸ™

I have been asked this question to many times and I feel that I need to explain it kahle to you.

Everyone has idlozi you wouldn't be if they weren't... Meaning you wouldn't be on this earth if they were not your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so forth and they all fight battles for you either in life or in passing.

Everyone has a gift, we will not use, experience or share it the same way kodwa we all do have gifts.

*Different types of gifts* can be a chosen one and become a healer and heal the Spiritually broken souls or for them to be able to connect with those that have passed and even align them to the path that needs to be taken. can be chosen to undergo initiation but not to heal the people like the first one kodwa you have been chosen to break the curses of your family so that they can receive or find their purpose in life, and to pay off the generational debt of those that did not go through the initiation. will be chosen to heal people by praying and speaking life over their lives these ones need to watch what they say in anger and in pain as what they say comes to pass this doesn't mean you go through initiation you need to have a pure heart and a clean toung as what you manifest in the universe is done from what you say.

4.those with the chosen hands those that will assist you by giving, these ones in most cases never receive. They will give of the last they have and not received anything in return by humans but they will never go hungry as the angels /idlozi will always fend for them.

5.the dreamers these are the ones that will dream of things that need to happen and things that are going to happen, these ones are the messagers that need to give out what they have been told.
Many of them will mistake dreams for being gifted in the course of going to initiate, we're as others will be shown of the process of being initiated and how they will work when they are... Don't mistake the two.

These are just a few of them/gifts so not everyone will have the same gift and not everyone will wear ibhayi lebhubesi.

I hope this will help many.
Makwande kukhanye kubekuhle

Imbewu yamiβ™₯️β™₯️

Imbewu yamiβ™₯️β™₯️

Lesedi πŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈIt's has been a while not sharing some insight on spiritual healing or types of healing and I thought that ...

Lesedi πŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈ

It's has been a while not sharing some insight on spiritual healing or types of healing and I thought that we really go in the serious things without touching the basic and important things that we need to consider when it comes to the things that we want to do.

So today I will be sharing one of these elements that are very important when it comes to praying, ukuphahla ukuya ehlane and ukumisa umsamo.

As healers it's very important to mention to the patients how things are done correctly and the things that are required when the above is done. Kodwa you also need to make them understand about ukuohuma kwelanga and ukushona kwelanga so that they don't mix things up.

In basic explanation, they need to know where the sun rises and where the sun sets. When you pray, phahla, Misa umsamo whether it's for umsebenzi or ukufaka idlozi, umsamo umiswa la kuvela khona ilanga (mpumalanga) and not on the side that it sets. When you phahla you face (ehlane) la kuvela khona ilanga (mpumalanga) the reason being ukuvelwa of what you ask needs to be in line of ukuphakama kwelanga, you need to get all things when the sun rises, never face in the direction of where it sets as than you are surpressing what you are asking and will be harder to receive or get.

Many might ask how sure will one be if the direction that they facing is the correct direction... That's simple just look at where the sun rises and sets so that you can be sure, or use a compass if you not sure and it will show east.

The same with getting a cleansing done, I have just seen a person taking a person to the river and they were facing the direction where the sun sets (entsonalanga) and in that uflathela inhlanhla zakho... You need to have the rising sun to brighten your way and path. Kufana nokwakha amanzi emfuleni you will always get water from ekhanda of the river and not esiswini (the tummy).

I hope that this will assist you so that you will be able to get a better response from your ancestors.

Makwande kukhanye kubekuhle


Lesedi πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™How to Pray to God for Something. When you ask God for help, be specific about what you want from Him. Then, t...

Lesedi πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

How to Pray to God for Something. When you ask God for help, be specific about what you want from Him. Then, tell Him that you trust in His ways, even if they're not what you expect. Close the prayer by thanking Him, and be patient while you wait for something to happen.

The same goes with idlozi, if you not specific you will not get what you ask for in the manner you want.

All the signs will be there all you need to do is listen and speak to want needs to come to you and it will.What is mean...

All the signs will be there all you need to do is listen and speak to want needs to come to you and it will.
What is meant for you will never miss you🀞

Idlozi doesn't want to hurt nor harm you but to protect and guide you in all the things and endeavors you will go through.

Trust them you will seeβ™₯️🌻



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Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00



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