Jonelda Spraak-Taalterapie & Oudiologie

Jonelda Spraak-Taalterapie & Oudiologie Gehoorverlies het 'n groot invloed op mens se daaglikse lewe. Kontak ons gerus vir 'n gehoortoets.


August SPECIAL!!!!!
All speech-language evaluations = HALF prize (articulation, language difficulties, reading and spelling problems, stuttering, voice problems, late talkers, TBI, strokes)
Contact us for an appointment: 071 659 9170


Augustus special!!!
Alle spraakterapie evaluasies (onduidelike spraak, hakkel, stemprobleme, laat praters) is halfprys slegs vir Aug. kontak ons gerus vir 'n afspraak: 071 659 9170


Wil jy weer die geknetter van 'n braaivleisvuurtjie hoor...?
Of met selfvertoue deelneem aan 'n geselskap?
Jonelda Oudiologie nooi alle Vaders om op 16 Junie te kom vir 'n GRATIS Gehoorsifting.
20% AFSLAG op pasmaak Gehoorbeskermers- vir jagters, bikers, musiekante of geraasblootstelling in fabrieke
kontak ons by 0716599170 vir 'n afspraak.

VADERSDAG PROMOSIEWil jy weer die geknetter van 'n braaivleisvuurtjie hoor...?Of met selfvertoue deelneem aan 'n geselsk...

Wil jy weer die geknetter van 'n braaivleisvuurtjie hoor...?
Of met selfvertoue deelneem aan 'n geselskap?
Jonelda Oudiologie nooi alle Vaders om op 16 Junie te kom vir 'n GRATIS Gehoorsifting.
20% AFSLAG op pasmaak Gehoorbeskermers- vir jagters, bikers, musiekante of geraasblootstelling in fabrieke
kontak ons by 0716599170 vir 'n afspraak.


Hearing damage is permanent. and track your health with the National Smartphone Test


Moenie utimis op FANTASTIESE gehoorapparaat specials nie!!!!! kontak my vandag nog vir 'n afspraak vir 'n gehoortoets by: 0716599170


Amazing end of the year HEARING AID SPECIALS!!!!! Don't miss out! Contact me for an appointment: 071 659 9170


Cochlea from Inner Ear :)

Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph of the inside of an inner ear showing the hearing organ, or cochlea. Running along the spiral structure are rows of sensory cells which respond to different frequencies of sound. The whole organ is just a few millimeters long.

Found on


If you’re not aware if the ‘3rd Grade Wall’, you can get blind-sided. A recurring theme that we hear about when we interview accomplished dyslexic men and women is the trouble and…


Dyslexie font has some some awesome tools available and we’re building more! Support our development through the kickstarter campaign!

Daai sonbesie geluid wat konstant in jou ore lui...! Lees bietjie die

Daai sonbesie geluid wat konstant in jou ore lui...! Lees bietjie die

Here are some of the misconceptions that we have heard about tinnitus – and the facts you need to know.

Dyscalculia... Is n spesifieke afwyking in wiskunde. Hulle sukkel met nommers en om dit te verstaan en te verwerk.Indien...

Dyscalculia... Is n spesifieke afwyking in wiskunde. Hulle sukkel met nommers en om dit te verstaan en te verwerk.
Indien jy vermoed jou kind toon van die tekens, laat hom/haar diagnoseer. n Vroee diagnose tesame met die regte stimulasie is beter as wat jou kind met selfbeeldprobleme sukkel.
Sandra Stark, 2016

Dyscalculia is a spesific learning difficulty in mathematics.
It could be described as as extreme difficulty with numbers.
It is very important to recognise it as soon as possible before it impacts on a child's self esteem.
- Stark, S. 2016.

Wees ekstra dankbaar vandag vir die mense wat jou liefhet en wees vir hulle ook onvoorwaardelik lief. Dan hoef ons nie d...

Wees ekstra dankbaar vandag vir die mense wat jou liefhet en wees vir hulle ook onvoorwaardelik lief. Dan hoef ons nie die hartseer gesiggies te sien nie. Maak n verskil, jy kan.

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, homeless and naked. But the poverty of being unwanted, unloved, uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.
-Mother Teresa

Ek gaan oor die volgende paar dae oulike tips opsit vir ouers wat 'n kind het met 'n gehoorverlies.

Ek gaan oor die volgende paar dae oulike tips opsit vir ouers wat 'n kind het met 'n gehoorverlies.

School is right around the corner, and for the next few weeks we will be providing some tips for students, parents and teachers!

Tip #1: Talk to your child’s teachers before school starts to help them understand your child’s hearing loss and hearing technology. This will help your child succeed by ensuring their teachers are aware of how to help the child use their hearing aids and hearing aid accessories properly.


You haven't seen your eardrum as detailed as that before! And it looks awesome :)

Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of an eardrum (red). The eardrum, or tympanic membrane, is located in the middle ear. It joins the inner ear through three tiny bones called the ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes). The malleus (centre) is attached to the inner eardrum. It articulates with the incus (right), which, in turn, links to the stapes (not seen).

The middle ear transforms sound into vibrations in the fluid of the inner ear, which are then sent as nerve signals to the brain.

This procedure enables you to process the sonic waves of whatever hits your ear and therefore recognize voices, noise or music!

Image by Steven Gschmeissner


It can happen at any age! But we can help prevent noise-induced hearing loss:


Does diabetes run in your family? WebMD news reports that a new study has found that Type 2 diabetes may increase the risk of hearing loss!

Geraasvlakke, kyk bietjie wat is aanvaarbaar en watse geluide is te hard en lei tot gehoorverlies.Geraasblootstelling is...

Geraasvlakke, kyk bietjie wat is aanvaarbaar en watse geluide is te hard en lei tot gehoorverlies.
Geraasblootstelling is een van die mees algemene oorsake van permanente gehoorverlies.
Kontak my gerus vir 'n gehoortoets en pasmaak gehoorbeskermers wat jou gehoor sal beskerm teen al die onnodige lawaai! 071 659 9170



I was a practicing speech-language pathologist for five years before my daughter was born. I worked primarily at the elementary and middle-school...

Jaarlikse Gehoortoetse is die enigste manier om 'n gehoorverlies vroegtydig op te tel en te voorkom!Maak nou 'n afspraak...

Jaarlikse Gehoortoetse is die enigste manier om 'n gehoorverlies vroegtydig op te tel en te voorkom!
Maak nou 'n afspraak om jou gehoor te laat toets, kontak my by: 071 659 9170

As with the eye, the ear’s performance is affected by ageing. Bad vision gradually makes reading harder as the letters get smaller. The process of losing your hearing is more complex.

Read here to find out:


Noise-induced hearing loss is quickly becoming an epidemic in the United States! Learn more about NIHL here:


Speech development in children is complex in the first 3-8 years of a child's life. Find everything you need to know with this easy to understand information.


Die sintuie is die goue sleutel tot peuterstimulasie – betrek dus haar ogies, oortjies, neusie, mond, lyf en aanraking soveel moontlik by aktiwiteite. So sal sy die heel vinnigste leer!
◾Speel in die sandput en met water of bak modderkoekies.
◾Teken met kitspoeding op ’n bakplaat.
◾Laat haar met gekleurde rou rys of gaar spaghetti speel.
◾Verf met skeerroom teen die stortdeur of spieël of verf met vingerverf.
◾Kry sensoriese bakke: elke week ’n ander bak, soos ’n klomp geel goed (visueel), strooitjies opgesny saam met vorms (tas), en knope in sand saam met ’n kwas (tas).
◾Luister watter klanke julle in die huis en tuin kan hoor.
Shanda Luyt

Onthou jaarlikse gehoortoetse is die enigste manier hoe ons n gehoorverlies vroeg kan diagnoseer. Daar is altyd iets wat...

Onthou jaarlikse gehoortoetse is die enigste manier hoe ons n gehoorverlies vroeg kan diagnoseer. Daar is altyd iets wat Ons kan doen! Onthou Healty HEARING = Healty AGING!

Hearing loss happens, and to more people than you may realize. Check out our cartoon here:


17 Marais Street

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30
Friday 08:00 - 13:00




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