For some reason we always think we know better. And most certainly better than our own body
We are conditioned to ignore what our body is telling us.
We are told there are only certain times we can use the restroom so we hold it. We are told what to do, what to say & what to think, even when it goes against every fiber of our being.
We are conditioned to ignore the subtle nudges, signs & even screams our body is telling us. We ignore them, push them aside, pretend they don't exist or power through until our body literally stops us in our tracks & takes us down, forcing us to rest, due to significant pain or illness.
Even then, we still fight it.
I did this for years. I was plagued with injury after injury because I just kept pushing through the pain. Or would move from one sport to another just so I could keep going, that was until my body physically made me stop.
Years later, riddled with stress & no slowing down insight, I pushed & pushed until I could no longer move forward.
I had no choice but to stop & listen.
Amazing things start to happen when you listen.
It's like the body already knows what it needs to do. Weird!?
We do the same thing with healing. We think we know what's best so we throw pills at it, adjust it, cut it, stretch it, poke it, but still end up in the same condition, sometimes worse.
So why after all of this time do we keep ignoring the body. It knows exactly what we need, if we would just listen.
Let's take a second, to listen to what it's telling us. We can tap into the body & see what it needs the most. That's what I love most about muscle testing. It forces us to listen to the body.
We take all the things we think we know & we listen. Then we make sense of it. Prioritize it. Remove it. Correct it. And let the body do what it was made to do. Heal itself.
It is fascinating what we can find out if we just listen, because the body tells us everything we need to know