Happy Occupational Therapy Month!
For OT month we are celebrating by giving you information on our OT’s favourite body system…..the sensory system!
Did you know we all have a sensory system?
Sensory processing is how our body takes in information from the world around us, make sense of it, and responds to it. This information is anything you can hear, see, smell, touch, or taste around you!
We become dysregulated when we are overwhelmed or have a hard time understanding the everything happening around us! Signs of dysregulation include – big emotions/meltdowns, hard time controlling behaviours, hard time making decisions, lots of emotions, and avoidance of tasks.
Regardless of who you are, we all have a ‘sensory profile’ – which is how we react to things happening around us, and what we need to help regulate, stay calm and make it through the day.
A common phrase in OT sessions is “Everyone has a Sensory Profile!”
To help spread awareness of sensory processing, normalizing finding time to listen to our bodies, and take care of ourselves, we collaborated with to create a design to share with families!